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Monday, October 28, 2013

Hey guys, I just came to quickly say I havent been posting alot, but good news! 7 wizards is BACK ONLINE! Yes you can play it at This is gonna be epic for you guys!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chopix Contest!

Hey chos!

Chopix needs to catch the nicho spies! He is in the park and he needs your help! Catch all the spies and try to win the contest! The chopix quest contest will be held starting today which is today! August 14th. On August 16th they will announce the winners!

Good finding!

Pictionary With mods!

Hello chos!

           Lately the team hasn't been making any hangman and pictionary with the cho's, so they decided to make one since they haven't made one this month! It will be held in the Agents Underground at 7:30 PM Cho Time (19:30 GMT) I hope you get there!
Here's a timer!

Join the drawing!

                                                                              -Le theadoreme

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hide and seek!

Hey chos!
We have not had events in a while but they came back! We will be having a hide and seek game today! If you wanna meet the mods and play hide and seek, Go to Eco Street at 20:30 chobots time. (8:30 PM)

Try to get us!

Make sure everyone is there! Ps! use invisible potions! It will help so you will be harder to find! And go to places that people don't go often! Remember, you could do it.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The band contest is done!

Hey chos! 

Did you remember the Music Jam contest? well it ended and here are the results! hope you enjoyed playing with your band! Here are the winners

First place video -Juan Direction!- 
Band mates: Camera, Barkleshcnoff, Idonotlikepeach, Vasa12345 and Yosheh! For video winners!

2nd place image for the band!
Band mates: Daniellecasey, Adventurous, Master720, Sylva and Nightmare!
Congrats to all who tried and did best! The winners win 7 days of citizenship and 7500 bugs! Thanks. - Theadoreme

Friday, August 9, 2013

Hey chos!

 Hey hows august, few days ago citizens notified Chobots that they can't get their player cards to wear! So they fixed the glitch and they said it will be delivered to them in a couple days.
So moving on, the admins saw a few weeks ago that they looked at a lot of people, they had lots of cool creative stuff on them. They decided to hold a contest! "Creativity Contest!"
So now that you know, your gonna have to...
.Create a story that happend in chobots, doesn't have to be real. Use your mind to add in details.

Your story has to have a plot, characters and a location.
It could be in any format  you want.
.Write paragraphs to see whats going on in the story and describe it
.You can write on the graffiti walls or on paper
.You can make a cv or write a script 
. You can use the comic page they give you
. You can use a scrapbook to make your story 
. You can put it on the TV format they used
.You can write it on a cho-newspaper
Here are the templates they give you.

The contest only lasts for a week, so you have to be quick about this, You will get cool prizes! If you want to submit, type the url in the comments.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hey guys! yet we have contest winners for the Space Race contest and here they are

   1st place - Grace with a first place medal, 7 days of citizenship, and 10,000 bugs. 
   2nd place - Adventorous with a second place medal, 5 days of citizenship, and  7000 bugs!
   3rd place I3ullet with a third place medal, 3 days of citizenship, and 500 bugs.

                                I hope you enjoy and had fun, and congrats to the people who won,
                                 Don't worry if you didn't win, what matters is if you tried hard.